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Did you see the FDA Warning Notice on Thermography?

Off late some customers are requesting clarity on the above safety communications warning issued by US FDA about usage of thermography for screening, detection or diagnosis. There are some important considerations showing why the Meditherma solution is not the same as Thermography, and those differences are detailed below:

  1. Meditherma solution uses Infralytix© which is different from Thermography. Though the sensing method used by Infralytix includes thermal images (measurement of temperature variations on the skin), Meditherma Infralytix Solution uses a unique AI-enabled software that gives objective assessment of the thermal analysis, which is missing in thermography. Additionally, demography data about the patient as well as a novel vascularity analysis is performed. So, we should treat Infralytix as a new solution for detecting breast abnormalities.
  2. Thermography clinics provide a report based on visual analysis of thermal images. Thermal images are very complex with about 400,000 temperature points shown as a color pixels, where each pixel can be any of the 2000 colors. Analyzing and interpreting these thermal images with just visual inspection is a huge cognitive overload for even an experienced thermographer. So, the manual diagnosis used in Thermography is very error prone. Hence we agree with FDA guidance of using visual analysis of thermal images (thermography) as an adjunct to existing methodologies.
  3. Thermography clinics are also NOT able to provide any report with one sitting of the patient. They usually ask the patient to come back in 3 months and do a visual inspection of 2 different sets of images taken 3 months apart. This results in potentially missing a case that was evident in the first sitting, and delaying the identification of malignancy for the patient. Meditherma solution is able to analyse the thermal images for every screening instance and provide a quantitative report.
  4. Meditherma solution is based on machine learning models – that have the ability to analyse all the 400,000 color points both in imaging domain as well as temperature domain. A difference of 0.02 deg C is perceived by Meditherma software and hence the analysis is very sensitive, unlike thermography where two different shades of a color are hard to distinguish.
  5. Meditherma machine learning models are calibrated with historical data labelled with current standard of care. The way Meditherma models were trained was based on labels learnt from mammography + sono-mammography + biopsy. It was not trained using reports of thermographers, hence Meditherma results are more accurate and better than current standard of care.
  6. In order to make an objective comparison between Thermography and Infralytix, a clinical trial on 303 patients was conducted in a blinded retrospective analysis. This was peer-reviewed and published in International Conference on Advances in Breast Cancer Treatments, Kyoto, Japan, April 26-27, 2018. The results of this comparison showed a remarkable improvement in performance of Infralytix over Thermography. An increase of 70% was seen in Positive Predictive Value over Thermography was seen, with very high levels of sensitivity and specificity.



Infralytix is available only in India at this time and usage in India does not fall under the purview of the above  mentioned US FDA communication.  We are under the process of getting an FDA clearance for our AI-based solution as well.

What is Thermography

Thermography is a technique where heat radiated from body surface is captured. Cancer cells have high metabolic activity due to which high heat is radiated from that region. This can be visualised as an abnormality in thermographic images.

What is Meditherma?

Meditherma is a non-contact, non-invasive way of screening for breast abnormalities. It is the only privacy-aware automated solution that can detect early-stage breast cancer.

How easy is it to use the Meditherma solution

Meditherma solution is very simple. The whole process is non-contact, non-invasive and is completely privacy aware. The patient is made to cool for 10-15 minutes to room temperature and the actual screening takes less than 5 minutes.

What is the novelty in Meditherma solution?

Meditherma is the pioneer of a patented technology called Infralytix© which is a novel fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Thermography for Breast Screening. Meditherma early stage breast cancer screening solution is a non-contact, non-invasive, portable, safe, automated solution that works for women of all ages. The novel AI and ML algorithms for the analysis of thermal images have resulted in Nine granted US patents and many more patent applications.

How is Meditherma different from Thermography?

Thermography has been in practise by many medical professionals around the world as an adjunct modality to detect early stage breast cancer screening. However, manual analysis of thermal images requires highly trained and skilled professionals, and many times results in a number of false positives. Meditherma’s Thermalitix solution addresses this issue using machine intelligence and provides an accurate, automated method of screening for early stage breast cancer and other breast abnormalities. Meditherma Thermalitix has 70% higher positive predictive value than Thermography.

What exactly is done in MedithermaI breast screening?

Meditherma solution is based on Thermography. Meditherma thermal device which is placed 3 feet in front of the patient captures 5 thermal images of the region. Meditherma software tool automatically analyses these images and sends the analysis report that is certified by a Senior Radiologist.

What is the ideal time in a month to go for Meditherma/Thermography screening.

Ideal time period for a woman is from ovulation to the onset of menstruation.

Is Thermography painful like Mammography?

No. Thermography is a non-contact, non-invasive and radiation free modality, unlike mammography where 10 kg pressure is applied. Thermography just measures temperature, there is no harmful radiation exposure too.

I am interested in buying Meditherma Solution. Whom should I contact?

If you are hospital or diagnostic centre interested in deploying this solution in your centre, please drop a note to info@meditherma.com. We will arrange a free demonstration of the solution and discussion with Meditherma experts.

If you are an NGO or a society interested in conducting screening camps for women, Meditherma solution is available on daily-rental basis. Please drop us a note on info@meditherma.com . We can arrange one free pilot screening camp for you..

My relative has/had breast cancer. What is the risk of me getting breast cancer?

It depends on how close you are with the relative. If the relative is a first degree relative (Parent, Sibling or Child) you have a more risk of cancer and is recommended to go for frequent screening. If the relative is a second degree relative, the risk is less compared to former.

When should I start going to breast cancer screening?

Statistics from World Health Organization (WHO) shows that the incidence rates for women below 40 years is increasing. This would worsen in future due to stress, changes in lifestyle and increase in pollution. All women above 25 years are therefore recommended to undergo breast screening using thermography.

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